News & Blogs
Case Studies, Events, Awards & more
Welcome to News & Blogs of Open Industry 4 Alliance, your hub for staying updated on the latest company events, news, and insights. Explore our platform to discover the newest developments, announcements, and initiatives driving innovation in Industry 4.0. Join us as we share our journey and contribute to shaping the future of industrial technology together.
Recap: Digital Twin Summer Camp 2024 at IFM Premises in Siegen
The Digital Twin Summer Camp 2024, held at the scenic IFM premises in Siegen, brought together a vibrant mix of industry experts, suppliers, integrators, and operators for an intense and insightful series of hackathons.
The key to successful digitalization: Insights from Dr. Christian Liedtke
During the Machine Builder X event, Dr. Christian Liedtke dives deep into the evolving landscape of digitalization and Industry 4.0.
OI4 Member Voices – Why Do We Have to Work Together?
Join the Conversation: The Heart and Vision Behind the Open Industry 4.0 Alliance
OI4 Member Voices Series: Exploring the Heart of Industry 4.0
We had an incredible opportunity to connect with some visionary members of the Open Industry 4.0 Alliance for our Member Voices series. These engaging video interviews offer a personal insight into the motivations, challenges, and visions of the professionals driving the future of Industry 4.0.
Interview and Insightful Seminar during WoTS on September 25th in NL
What is it about? The OI4 Alliance and the insightful seminar during WoTS in the Netherlands on 25th September, 2024. The seminar consists of various innovative topics and is kindly supported by the FHI, federatie van technologiebranches.
OI4 Strategic Leadership Alignment Meeting
More than 20 dedicated OI4 members from all over Germany gathered in our Munich office for the OI4 Strategic Leadership Alignment Meeting to evaluate & discuss future roadmap.
Recap: AAS Hackathon in Delft - A Leap Towards Autonomous Operations
On May 22, 2024, the Festo Experience Center in Delft buzzed with innovation and collaboration as around 40 participants gathered for the Asset Administration Shell (AAS) Hackathon, a significant event organized by the WIB working group Autonomous Operations in cooperation with the Open Industry 4.0 Alliance.
What are Manufacturing-X and Factory-X (funded by the European Union), and what role do we, as the OI4 Alliance, have there?
Georg Kube, Global Vice President and Head of Industry Data Ecosystems at SAP, recently shared his insights on these initiatives, described them and their importance for the industry, and also covered the role of the Open Industry 4.0 Alliance.
Why exactly do we even need a digital twin?
Addressing this skepticism within your team is as crucial for a successful implementation as choosing the right approach for your system architecture. In this SPS Spotlight episode, Ekrem Yigitdoel highlights how digital twins enhance manufacturing.
SPS Italia (Parma) - Recap
The SPS Italia, held from May 23 to 25, 2023, in Parma, was a significant event with a strong focus on digital and software-based automation where OI4 Alliance had its presence at 2 booths.
Hannover Messe 2024 - Recap & Our Insights
Check what we learned and experienced at the Hannover Messe 2024!
Die App Store Revolution
Computer & Automation (04/2024): Die Open Industry 4.0 Alliance (OI4) will die Spielregeln der industriellen Digitalisierung neu definieren, indem sie eine App Store Revolution ausruft. Geschäftsführer Ekrem Yigitdoel erläutert im Interview, was hinter diesem hehren Ziel steckt.
New White Paper: Collaborative Company Perspectives on AAS
This comprehensive paper delves into the collaborative efforts within the Open Industry 4.0 Alliance, focusing on the component supplier work group's exploration of digitalization challenges and the adoption of digital twins.
Open Industry 4.0 Alliance at Hannover Messe 2024
Focus on Digital Twin, Digital Product Passport, and Joint Industry Initiatives
Open Industry 4.0 Alliance auf der Hannover Messe 2024
Digitaler Zwilling, Digital Product Passport und gemeinsame Industrie-Initiativen im Fokus
Recap of Joint Hackathons with IDTA - AAS & DPP
Members of the Open Industry 4.0 Alliance have been hard at work during two exciting hackathons, hosted in collaboration with the Industrial Digital Twin Association (IDTA) and SAP.
Networking and knowledge sharing for Alliance members at Knowledge Camp 2024
The second round of the Open Industry 4.0 Alliance's Knowledge Camp took place once again from 28-29 February, on the premises of Alliance member MULTIVAC, in Wolfertschwenden, Germany.
Netzwerken für die Allianz-Mitglieder bei dem diesjährigen Knowledge Camp
Am 28. und 29. Februar 2024 ging es in die zweite Runde für das Knowledge Camp der Open Industry 4.0 Alliance. Auch in diesem Jahr fand das Event wieder in Wolfertschwenden in den Räumen des Allianz-Mitglieds MULTIVAC statt und bot an zwei Tagen exklusiv für Partner und Mitglieder der Allianz viele interessante Vorträge und Workshops.
7 Short Questions: OI4 Remote Device Management and the Industrial Cyber Security Work Groups
Interview with two technology work group leads about their behind-the-scenes work processes.
Digital Twin Consortium Teams Up with Open Industry 4.0 Alliance
Further advancing the use of digital twins in Industry 4.0 via open standards.
Annual General Assembly of the Open Industry 4.0 Alliance: Well positioned for the coming year 2024
At its annual meeting, the Open Industry 4.0 Alliance focused on continuity.
Nuremberg SPS 2023: On digital twins, Digital Product Passports and more
For the fourth time, the Open Industry 4.0 Alliance will be represented at the SPS in Nuremberg.
Novel Flagship Store for the OI4 Community by Hilscher
A transparent process enabling industrial app publishers to market their apps securely.
Nürnberg SPS 2023: Digitale Zwillinge, digitale Produktausweise und mehr
Bereits zum vierten Mal ist die Open Industry 4.0 Alliance auf der SPS in Nürnberg.
Let's go Italia!
The Open Industry 4.0 Alliance is introducing itself for the first time at this year’s SPS Italia, in Parma.
Let's go Italia!
Die Open Industry 4.0 Alliance präsentiert sich in diesem Jahr erstmals auf der SPS Italia in Parma.
“Danish Dynamite”
The Open Industry 4.0 Alliance is introducing itself for the first time at this year’s DIRA Business and Robotbrag, in Denmark.
"Danish Dynamite"
Die Open Industry 4.0 Alliance präsentiert sich in diesem Jahr erstmals auf der DIRA Business und Robotbrag in Dänemark.
"Factory of the future" from a child's perspective
The Open Industry 4.0 Alliance invited the children of its employees and members to participate in a drawing competition.
3 Questions to Georg Kube, OI4 Alliance Board Member from SAP
Valuable insights from O14 Board Member.
Die Open Industry 4.0 Alliance wird erwachsen
Dr. Christian Liedtke und Ekrem Yigitdoel sprechen über die aktuellen Themen der Allianz.
The Open Industry 4.0 Alliance is growing up
Dr. Christian Liedtke and Ekrem Yigitdoel discuss the Alliance's current priorities.
Persönlicher Erfahrungstransfer der Allianz-Mitglieder im ersten Knowledge Camp
Vom 28. Februar bis 2. März 2023 fand das erste Knowledge Camp der Open Industry 4.0 Alliance exklusiv für Mitglieder und Partner statt.
OI4 Alliance Members' personal experiences at the 1st Knowledge Camp
For 3 days, valuable implementation knowledge was shared offline and online in 11 workshops.
Ziel des Projekts am Hauptstandort von GEBHARDT in Sinsheim ist Predictive Maintenance und Vermeidung von Stillstand im Lagerbetrieb.
The smart robot factory in the brownfield
Connecting a manufacturing cell to the cloud in ongoing production and providing it with all the features of a smart factory.