Open Industry 4.0

Press Releases

  • Open Industry 4.0 Alliance at SPS 2024

    Many digitalization use cases will be presented along with the 3 physical demonstrators and new edition of the Follow The Twin Challenge.

  • Open Industry 4.0 Alliance at Hannover Messe 2024

    Focus on Digital Twin, Digital Product Passport, and Joint Industry Initiatives

  • Open Industry 4.0 Alliance auf der Hannover Messe 2024

    Digitaler Zwilling, Digital Product Passport und gemeinsame Industrie-Initiativen im Fokus

  • Knowledge Camp Recap

    The second round of the Open Industry 4.0 Alliance's Knowledge Camp took place once again from 28-29 February, on the premises of Alliance member MULTIVAC, in Wolfertschwenden, Germany.

  • Netzwerken und Wissensaustausch für die Allianz-Mitglieder bei dem diesjährigen Knowledge Camp

    Am 28. und 29. Februar 2024 ging es in die zweite Runde für das Knowledge Camp der Open Industry 4.0 Alliance. Auch in diesem Jahr fand das Event wieder in Wolfertschwenden in den Räumen des Allianz-Mitglieds MULTIVAC statt und bot an zwei Tagen exklusiv für Partner und Mitglieder der Allianz viele interessante Vorträge und Workshops.

  • 7 Short Questions: OI4 Remote Device Management and the Industrial Cyber Security Work Groups

    The Open Industry 4.0 Alliance sees itself as a practice-oriented community for the digitalization of industry, with members cooperating in various working groups. Acting as a direct interface to customers, these technology groups transform market needs into Industry 4.0 application scenarios and applicable regulations, based on OI4 reference architecture and guidelines to ensure standardized IT and OT solutions.

  • Digital Twin Consortium Signs Liaison with Open Industry 4.0 Alliance

    The Digital Twin Consortium® (DTC) today announced a liaison agreement with the Open Industry 4.0 Alliance. The Open Industry 4.0 Alliance joined the DTC to not just exchange information but also to bring digitalization and collaboration to the next level.

  • Hauptversammlung der Open Industry 4.0 Alliance: Gut aufgestellt ins kommende Jahr 2024

    Kontinuität im Vordergrund: Auf der Jahreshauptversammlung hat die Open Industry 4.0 Alliance die Weichen für das kommende Jahr gestellt Jan-Rémi Fromentin löste Thomas May als Vorstandsmitglied ab, der restliche Vorstand und auch die Leitung der Workgroups bleibt unverändert bestehen. Beide sind von ifm electronic GmbH, May tritt in den Ruhestand und Fromentin von ifm Frankreich übernimmt den Staffelstab. Somit hat die Allianz das erste internationale Vorstandsmitglied in seinen Reihen. Die Open Industry 4.0 Alliance wurde im Jahr 2019 auf der Hannover Messe gegründet und hat sich mit aktuell 109 Mitgliedern zu einer streng praxisorientierten Community für die Digitalisierung der Industrie entwickelt.

  • Annual General Assembly of the Open Industry 4.0 Alliance: Well positioned for the coming year 2024

    Continuity at the forefront: At its Annual General Assembly, the Open Industry 4.0 Alliance set its course for the coming year. Jan-Rémi Fromentin replaces Thomas May as a member of the Board of Directors, while the rest of the Board and management of workgroups remains unchanged. Thomas May (ifm electronic GmbH) is retiring and Jan-Rémi Fromentin (ifm France) is taking over the baton, benefiting the Alliance with its first international board member. The Open Industry 4.0 Alliance – founded in 2019 – at the Hannover Messe and developed into a strictly practice-oriented community for the digitalisation of industry with currently 109 members.

  • SPS 2023 in Nuremberg: On digital twins, Digital Product Passports and Interoperable Vulnerability Management

    For the fourth time, the Open Industry 4.0 Alliance will be represented at the SPS, which will take place in Nuremberg from November 14 to 16, 2023. The Alliance will be in hall 5, at stand 160. It last appeared this spring at the SPS Italia and at HI Tech & Industry Scandinavia in Denmark. The Nuremberg SPS will focus on digital twins and practical ways in which companies can prepare on a technological level for upcoming EU regulations, such as the Digital Product Passport and the Cyber Resilience Act. In addition, the "Follow the Twin" competition will help stand visitors to see for themselves the interoperability of standardized digital twins, as well as giving them the opportunity to win a prize. Launched in 2019 at the Hannover Messe, the Alliance has grown into a true community of practitioners, with 103 members.

  • Novel Flagship Store for the OI4 Community by Hilscher for Industrial Applications

    Originally announced for Hannover Messe 2023 and now ready for launch in November at SPS 2023: Members of the Open Industry 4.0 Alliance (OI4) have teamed up in a special task force to turn the vision of an open, vendor and hardware-agnostic app store into reality. Their mission was to create an open and transparent process that can work on different app stores and that empowers industrial app publishers with a simple, standardized, and secure means to market their apps to industrial users as free or paid downloads from a dedicated app store.

  • SPS 2023 in Nürnberg: Über Digitale Zwillinge, digitale Produktausweise und interoperables Vulnerability Management

    Bereits zum vierten Mal ist die Open Industry 4.0 Alliance auf der SPS vom 14. bis 16. November 2023 in Nürnberg in Halle 5, Stand 160 vertreten. Zuletzt war die Allianz im Frühjahr dieses Jahres auf der SPS Italia sowie auf der hi Tech & Industry Scandinavia in Dänemark präsent. Auf der Nürnberger SPS steht der Digitale Zwilling im Vordergrund, und wie sich Unternehmen in der Praxis auf kommende EU-Vorschriften, etwa den Digital Product Passport und den Cyber Resilience Act, auf technologischer Ebene vorbereiten. „Follow The Digital Twin“ ist zudem ein Wettbewerb, mit dessen Hilfe Standbesucher die Interoperabilität standardisierter Digitaler Zwillinge visuell erleben und dabei einen Preis gewinnen können. Im Jahr 2019 auf der Hannover Messe gestartet, hat sich die Allianz mit 103 Mitgliedern zu einer echten Community der Praktiker entwickelt.

  • Let's go Italia! Open Industry Alliance si presenta per la prima volta in Italia a SPS di Parma

    La Open Industry 4.0 Alliance si presenta per la prima volta quest'anno a SPS Italia di Parma. Dal 23 al 25 maggio 2023, l'Alleanza informerà le aziende e le associazioni sulle opportunità di cooperazione al suo interno nell'area espositiva del District 4.0 nel Padiglione 7 presso lo stand A038. Inoltre, 14 membri della Open Industry 4.0 Alliance saranno rappresentati alla fiera leader in Italia per l'automazione digitale e software based. Tra questi, Beckhoff, Bürkert, Dunkermotoren, Endress+Hauser, Festo, Hilscher, IFM, Kübler, Murr Elektronik, Pepperl & Fuchs, SICK, Siemens, WAGO e Weidmüller.

  • Let's go Italia! Open Industry Alliance introduces itself for first time at the SPS in Parma

    The Open Industry 4.0 Alliance is introducing itself for the first time at this year’s SPS Italia, in Parma. From May 23 to 25, 2023, the Alliance will inform companies and associations about the cooperation opportunities within the Alliance in the exhibition area District 4.0 in Padiglione (Hall) 7 at booth A038. In addition, 14 members of the Open Industry 4.0 Alliance will be represented at Italy’s leading trade fair for digital and software-based automation - including Beckhoff, Bürkert, Dunkermotoren, Endress+Hauser, Festo, Hilscher, IFM, Kübler, Murr Elektronik, Pepperl & Fuchs, SICK, Siemens, WAGO and Weidmüller.

  • Let's go Italia! Open Industry Alliance präsentiert sich erstmals auf der SPS in Parma

    Die Open Industry 4.0 Alliance präsentiert sich in diesem Jahr erstmals auf der SPS Italia in Parma. Vom 23. bis zum 25. Mai 2023 informiert die Allianz im Ausstellungsbereich District 4.0 in Padiglione (Halle) 7 an Stand A038 Unternehmen und Verbände über die Kooperationsmöglichkeiten innerhalb der Allianz. Darüber hinaus werden auch 14 Mitglieder der Open Industry 4.0 Alliance auf Italiens führender Messe für digitale und softwarebasierte Automatisierung vertreten sein – darunter Beckhoff, Bürkert, Dunkermotoren, Endress+Hauser, Festo, Hilscher, IFM, Kübler, Murr Elektronik, Pepperl & Fuchs, SICK, Siemens, WAGO und Weidmüller.

  • „Danish Dynamite“ – Open Industry Alliance präsentiert sich erstmals auf der Business and Robotbrag in Dänemark

    Die Open Industry 4.0 Alliance präsentiert sich in diesem Jahr erstmals auf der DIRA Business und Robotbrag in Dänemark. Vom 3. bis zum 4. Mai 2023 informiert die Allianz im Ausstellungsbereich am Stand 75 Unternehmen und Verbände über die Kooperationsmöglichkeiten innerhalb der Allianz. Darüber hinaus werden auch zahlreiche Mitglieder der Open Industry 4.0 Alliance auf der Messe in Odense vertreten sein – darunter Beckhoff, Endress+Hauser, IFM, KUKA, Murr Elektronik, Pepperl & Fuchs und Weidmüller.

  • “Danish Dynamite” - Open Industry Alliance introduces itself at Business and Robotbrag in Denmark for the first time

    The Open Industry 4.0 Alliance is introducing itself for the first time at this year’s DIRA Business and Robotbrag, in Denmark. From May 3-4, 2023, the Alliance will inform companies and associations about the cooperation opportunities within the Alliance at the exhibition area on booth 75. In addition, numerous members of the Open Industry 4.0 Alliance will also be represented at the trade fair in Odense - including Beckhoff, Endress+Hauser, IFM, KUKA, Murr Elektronik, Pepperl & Fuchs and Weidmüller.

  • "Factory of the future" from a child's perspective

    The Open Industry 4.0 Alliance invited the children of its employees and members to participate in a drawing competition. The children were given free rein to unleash their creativity and submit their own version of the "Factory of the Future". Their drawings offer an interesting insight into how children view the "adult world" and how they imagine the future.

  • 3 Questions to Georg Kube, OI4 Alliance Board Member from SAP

    How did you get the position as board member at the Open Industry 4.0 Alliance and what do you particularly like about the OI4 and its ways of working? What are your goals for OI4 and how do you plan to achieve them?

  • The Open Industry 4.0 Alliance is growing up

    Since its inception three years ago, the Open Industry 4.0 Alliance has grown to over 100 members. It has remained true to its "practitioner alliance" principle. Following an organisational realignment last fall, Dr. Christian Liedtke, the Alliance's newly elected CEO, and Ekrem Yigitdoel, Managing Director of the Alliance, discuss the Alliance's current priorities.

  • Alliance members share personal experiences at the first Knowledge Camp

    From February 28 to March 2, 2023, the first Knowledge Camp of the Open Industry 4.0 Alliance took place at the premises of Alliance member MULTIVAC in Wolfertschwenden, near Memmingen in the Allgäu region. This event was exclusively for members and partners. Across three days, valuable implementation knowledge was shared with the attending members and online participants in 11 workshops, over a total duration of 43 hours, and included numerous experiences and suggestions for Industry 4.0 in 19 stage talks.

  • Die Open Industry 4.0 Alliance wird erwachsen

    Seit ihrer Gründung vor drei Jahren ist die Open Industry 4.0 Alliance auf über 100 Mitglieder gewachsen. Ihrem Prinzip der „Praktiker-Allianz“ ist sie treu geblieben. Nach einer organisatorischen Neuausrichtung im vergangenen Herbst sprechen Dr. Christian Liedtke, der neu gewählte Vorstandsvorsitzende der Allianz, und Ekrem Yigitdoel, Managing Director der Allianz, über die aktuellen Themen der Allianz.

  • Persönlicher Erfahrungstransfer der Allianz-Mitglieder im ersten Knowledge Camp

    Vom 28. Februar bis 2. März 2023 fand in den Räumen des Allianz-Mitglieds MULTIVAC in Wolfertschwenden bei Memmingen im Allgäu das erste Knowledge Camp der Open Industry 4.0 Alliance exklusiv für Mitglieder und Partner statt. An insgesamt drei Tagen wurden in 11 Workshops mit einer Gesamtdauer von 43 Stunden wertvolles Umsetzungswissen und in 19 Stagetalks zahlreiche Erfahrungen und Anregungen für die Industrie 4.0 an die anwesenden Mitglieder und die Online-Teilnehmer vermittelt.

  • Open Industry 4.0 Alliance realigns itself

    Reinach, Schweiz, 13.12.2022 – Die Open Industry 4.0 Alliance hat sich im Rahmen der Jahreshauptversammlung am 9. Dezember 2022 neu aufgestellt. So wird Dr. Christian Liedtke, verantwortlich für strategische Allianzen bei KUKA, ab sofort die Funktion als Chairman of the Board bei der Allianz einnehmen und in dieser Rolle auch die Sprecherfunktion übernehmen. Hans Huber, Managing Director Industrial Internet of Things bei Endress+Hauser, und Dr. Marius Grathwohl, Vice President Digital Products and Transformation bei MULTIVAC, werden als Teil des Executive Boards der Allianz Dr. Christian Liedtke unterstützen. Nils Herzberg, bisheriger Sprecher der Allianz und Vorstandsmitglied, verlässt SAP zum Jahresende und gibt damit auch seine Funktion innerhalb der Allianz auf. Ihm folgt Georg Kube, Global Vice President bei SAP, als neu gewähltes Vorstandsmitglied.

  • [Translate to English:]


    Die Open Industry 4.0 Alliance verleiht den zweiten Implementation Award 2022 an ihre Mitglieder GEBHARDT Intralogistics Group und Dunkermotoren. Ziel des Projekts am Hauptstandort von GEBHARDT in Sinsheim ist Predictive Maintenance und Vermeidung von Stillstand im Lagerbetrieb.

  • The Open Industry 4.0 Alliance presents the access and implementation potential of members at Hannover Fair 2022

    Reinach, Switzerland, 03.05.2022 - The Open Industry 4.0 Alliance will be presenting at the Hannover Fair 2022, from May 30 to June 2 (Hall 8, Booth C08), with the theme ‘Connect to the Open Industry 4.0 Alliance’.

  • The EU Data Act and the Alliance Become Personal Trainers for the Industry’s Data Fitness

    Reinach, Switzerland, 22.03.2022 - Open Industry 4.0 Alliance welcomes the EU Data Act. As a community of implementation pragmatists, it will effectively support its members following the rapid introduction of this new EU regulation.

  • Three questions for Ricardo Dunkel

    What most attracted you to the role as Technical Director of the Alliance? What are your goals for the OI4 Alliance? How will you support the Alliance develop its external image? Read his answers here.

  • Better together: The power of the OI4 Implementation Alliance community

    An integration project at Dutch Duurzaamheidsfabriek (Sustainability Factory) has received the Alliance's first OI4 Implementation Award. It took barely three months from the idea to the first results, which is a testament to the performance of those involved

  • Aalborg University successfully trials open architecture of Open Industry 4.0 Alliance

    Reinach, Schweiz / Aalborg, Denmark, 25 January 2022 – Since 2014, the Danish government, industrial companies and academia have been working together to establish new technologies in all industry segments as part of the Danish association MADE (Manufacturing Academy of Denmark).

  • Media Alert: The Open Industry 4.0 Alliance invites you to the virtual in-house exhibition on January 26/27, 2022

    On two half-days (January 26, 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., January 27, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.), the alliance will provide information on current cooperation projects in the field of Industry 4.0.

  • Open Industry 4.0 Alliance and Packaging Valley to shape Industry 4.0 together

    Reinach, Switzerland/ Waiblingen, Germany, September 6, 2021 – The Open Industry 4.0 Alliance, an association of companies aiming to drive digitalisation on factory floors, is working with Packaging Valley Germany e.V., a cluster of organisations from the packaging industry in the south of Germany.

  • Strategic partnership: Industrial Digital Twin Association and Open Industry 4.0 Alliance agree on close cooperation

    Frankfurt am Main, Germany / Reinach, Switzerland, January 12, 2022 – The Industrial Digital Twin Association e.V. (IDTA) and the Open Industry 4.0 Alliance (OI4) have signed a memorandum of understanding for close cooperation. The goal of the cooperation is to further advance digitization in the industry based on the Asset Administration Shell (AAS). Initial cooperation projects show how the two organizations complement each other.

  • Open Industry 4.0 Alliance continues to grow in 2021

    Reinach, Switzerland / SPS Nuremberg, December 13, 2021 – The largest corporate alliance for Industry 4.0 in Germany, the Open Industry 4.0 Alliance (OI4), continued to grow in 2021, despite the ongoing pandemic, setting important milestones and now numbering 92 member companies.

  • The Open Industry 4.0 Alliance at SPS 2021

    Reinach, Switzerland / SPS Nuremberg, October 21, 2021 – The Open Industry 4.0 Alliance, founded at Hannover Messe in 2019, will present current cooperation projects from the field of Industry 4.0 at SPS in Nuremberg, the largest international trade fair for electrical automation technology, from November 23-25, 2021 under the motto "Connect to the Open Industry 4.0 Alliance."

  • C-level event "Digitize Your Food" at MULTIVAC was a complete success

    Last Thursday , 07.10.2021, the top-class C-level event "Digitize your Food" took place in the Swabian town of Wolfertschwenden, organized by the Open Industry 4.0 Alliance together with packaging expert MULTIVAC. The event brought 100 decision-makers together who experienced an impressive deep dive into the world of Food & Beverage industry, listened to exciting presentations and networked with each other in a professional atmosphere.

  • Ekrem Yigitdoel as new Managing Director of the Open Industry Alliance 4.0

    Reinach, Schweiz, 1 October 2021 - With immediate effect, the Open Industry Alliance 4.0 will be led and represented by Ekrem Yigitdoel as Managing Director. Thus, the alliance is strengthening its core team and setting the course for continued successful positioning in the Industry 4.0 market.

  • The smart robot factory in the brownfield

    Open Industry 4.0 Alliance member KUKA demonstrates the freestyle in Industry 4.0: connecting a manufacturing cell to the cloud in ongoing production and providing it with all the features of a smart factory. This was only made possible thanks to teamwork between members of the alliance, first and foremost: Fujitsu, SAP and 3d Signals.

  • Open Industry 4.0 Alliance Practical Example: How the packaging industry is taking its transformation into its own hands

    Reinach, Switzerland, May 17, 2021 – Transformation in the food industry ostensibly offers the advantage of auditability to identifythe production history behind each individual batch. But for the suppliers of manufacturing plants in this market, the transformation of vertical and horizontal production chains means reaching a new level of economic efficiency and increased business processes.

  • Die Open Industry 4.0 Allianz heißt Microsoft und Siemens als neue Mitglieder willkommen

    Reinach, Schweiz, 22. April 2021 - Die Open Industry 4.0 Alliance, ein Zusammenschluss von Unternehmen mit dem Ziel, die Digitalisierung voranzutreiben und einen echten Mehrwert in den Fabriken zu schaffen, begrüßt zwei Schwergewichte aus der IT- und OT-Branche: Microsoft und Siemens.

  • Annual General Assembly of the Open Industry 4.0 Alliance: Well positioned for the coming year 2024

    Continuity at the forefront: At its Annual General Assembly, the Open Industry 4.0 Alliance set its course for the coming year. Jan-Rémi Fromentin replaces Thomas May as a member of the Board of Directors, while the rest of the Board and management of workgroups remains unchanged. Thomas May (ifm electronic GmbH) is retiring and Jan-Rémi Fromentin (ifm France) is taking over the baton, benefiting the Alliance with its first international board member. The Open Industry 4.0 Alliance – founded in 2019 – at the Hannover Messe and developed into a strictly practice-oriented community for the digitalisation of industry with currently 109 members.

For more information, please contact the press team:

Felicitas Schurig

Berkeley Kommunikation
Phone: +49 89 74 72 62 41