Open Industry 4.0

Posts from December 2023


7 Short Questions: OI4 Remote Device Management and the Industrial Cyber Security Work Groups

The Open Industry 4.0 Alliance sees itself as a practice-oriented community for the digitalization of industry, with members cooperating in various working groups. Acting as a direct interface to customers, these technology groups transform market…

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Content Area The Alliance 15.12.2023

7 Short Questions: OI4 Remote Device Management and the Industrial Cyber Security Work Groups

Interview with two technology work group leads about their behind-the-scenes work processes.


Digital Twin Consortium Signs Liaison with Open Industry 4.0 Alliance

The Digital Twin Consortium® (DTC) today announced a liaison agreement with the Open Industry 4.0 Alliance. The Open Industry 4.0 Alliance joined the DTC to not just exchange information but also to bring digitalization and collaboration to the next…

Content Area About The Industry 14.12.2023

Digital Twin Consortium Teams Up with Open Industry 4.0 Alliance

Further advancing the use of digital twins in Industry 4.0 via open standards.


Hauptversammlung der Open Industry 4.0 Alliance: Gut aufgestellt ins kommende Jahr 2024

Kontinuität im Vordergrund: Auf der Jahreshauptversammlung hat die Open Industry 4.0 Alliance die Weichen für das kommende Jahr gestellt Jan-Rémi Fromentin löste Thomas May als Vorstandsmitglied ab, der restliche Vorstand und auch die Leitung der…

Content Area The Alliance 13.12.2023

Gut aufgestellt ins kommende Jahr 2024


Annual General Assembly of the Open Industry 4.0 Alliance: Well positioned for the coming year 2024

Continuity at the forefront: At its Annual General Assembly, the Open Industry 4.0 Alliance set its course for the coming year. Jan-Rémi Fromentin replaces Thomas May as a member of the Board of Directors, while the rest of the Board and management…

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Content Area Events 12.12.2023

Annual General Assembly of the Open Industry 4.0 Alliance: Well positioned for the coming year 2024

At its annual meeting, the Open Industry 4.0 Alliance focused on continuity.
