Open Industry 4.0

The Digital Twin Summer Camp 2024


The Digital Twin Summer Camp 2024, held at the scenic IFM premises in Siegen, brought together a vibrant mix of industry experts, suppliers, integrators, and operators for an intense and insightful series of hackathons. With a focus on practical challenges and the evolving standards surrounding Asset Administration Shells (AAS), the event served as a critical forum for discussing the complexities and nuances of digital twin technology in the modern industrial landscape.

Key Topics and Challenges:

Participants delved into essential questions on AAS usage, particularly around the handling of IDs over a lifecycle, the distinction between type data and instance-specific details, and the decision-making process between copying versus referencing data. Although many aspects are outlined in specifications, the unique setup of each company’s ecosystem demands an adaptive approach—one that respects the distinct "snowflake effect" inherent in every supply chain.

Collaborative Environment:

The camp underscored the importance of a diverse group in tackling these challenges. By bringing together representatives from across the supply chain, the discussions broke through the traditional company silos, fostering a holistic understanding of Industrie 4.0 as an ongoing evolution rather than a sudden revolution.

A special thanks to IFM for providing their facilities for the Digital Twin Summer Camp!

The Digital Twin Summer Camp 2024 was a testament to the power of collaboration in driving the future of digitalization. As we continue this journey, participants are encouraged to stay engaged and contribute to upcoming events, including the next hackathon scheduled for October. For those eager to keep the momentum going, an upcoming discussion paper will further explore the challenges and opportunities in this space—because in the world of Industrie 4.0, we are truly #bettertogether.

Stay tuned for more updates and join us in shaping the future of digital twin technology!