Open Industry 4.0






Step into the world of industry, technology and science during the World of Industry, Technology & Science (WoTS). This trade fair brings together three unique worlds – the World of Laboratory, the World of Electronics and the World of Industry – to put the most recent developments and innovations in the spotlight.

This time, many activities at the fair are driven by the OI4 Alliance!


OI4 Booth 


Visit us to learn how our community is implementing Industry 4.0 and digitalization in real projects. As an implementation community, you will find a wealth of technical and industry knowledge concentrated at our booth. 

Moreover, we will not be alone—a partner focused on projects and modular production in the process industry will be with us. 

Stay tuned to learn more!


OI4 Seminars during the fair 


September 25, 1:30 PM – 4:30 PM

Feringa Seminar Room in World of Industry (hall 11)


This English-language seminar offers an in-depth approach to a number of innovative topics. During this seminar we dive into Digital Twins, insights from hackathons, instrumentation management, standardization and digitalizing supply chains in the industry.

Learn More

We are looking forward to meeting you there!

For more information, get in touch with Anna.